Ox Notes: July 31, 2008
YouTube has amped up their efforts to remove videos of the So You Think You Can Dance performances from their site, so no vids this week. Here's a link to Zap2It's recap of last night's episode, in case you missed the show.
The latest Dancing with the Stars 7 cast rumor involves former Vice President Dan Quayle. It's fine if ABC wants to cast celebrities who will cause a little "controversy," as Entertainment President Stephen McPherson put it. But casting a polarizing figure like Dan Quayle in a presidential election year ensures that viewers will or won't vote for him according their opinion of his political party, not based on the quality of his dancing.
The official DwtS 7 cast will be announced on Good Morning America on August 25.
In other DwtS news, pro Karina Smirnoff is denying rumors of a romance between her and Bachelor Andy Baldwin.
Reality Blurred has the scoop on an upcoming Entertainment Weekly article about the extent to which the MTV show The Hills is manufactured. As you probably guessed, the show is pretty fake.
Top Chef 5 is currently filming in New York City.
I was saddened by this Us Magazine story about Ali Lohan, who is desperate to be as famous as her big sister, Lindsay: "I want it so bad. So bad you don't even know."
The Daily Show compiled a video collection of the Top 5 Daily Show Moments featuring Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska, who was indicted on corruption charges earlier this week. If you've never heard Stevens explain how the Internet -- which is not a truck -- works, watch this: