Thursday, January 25, 2007

Thoughts on Beauty and the Geek 3

I followed the first two seasons of Beauty and the Geek because it was a charming, harmless show featuring my kind of people: geeks. But the third season is sorely lacking in charm.

In fact, this season reinforces the very stereotypes it intends to break. The cast confirms the perception that pretty women are intellectually uninterested, cliquish, and vindictive. And the nerds in their lives don't stand a chance.

All of the blonde women of this season ganged up on the non-blondes, who preferred studying for the challenges to socializing and lounging pool-side. When any of the brunettes tried to stand up to the blonde bullies, they were further humiliated and targeted with vengeful retribution.

Those of us who witnessed the same cliquish behavior in high school certainly don't need to relive it on television -- especially not when it comes from women in their mid-to-late twenties (Cecille, Erin, Nadia, and Megan are all 25 or older).

While this season has been dominated by the relationships between the women, the men have been bland and uninspiring. There's no one to root for because the men don't seem to be learning much about themselves or forging friendships with their partners.

I'm even inclined to believe that at least a couple of the geeks, specifically Niels and Nate, are frauds. While their interests are a little out there, they are not socially inept -- a necessary attribute of a true geek.

Niels is a PhD candidate too busy for an active social life; he's not a recluse. And, in his regular life, Nate is confident enough to play in a rock band and perform original stand-up comedy material.

What really gives Nate away is the verse he sang in the show's promos. His Star Wars-inspired band has a song with the following lyrics: "Han Solo can't help with my fate. He's still blind from the carbonate."

Any Star Wars fan worth his or her salt knows that Han Solo was frozen in carbonite, not carbonate. Nate is either only a casual fan of the series, or he took liberty with the Star Wars canon -- which, if you're a geek, you simply do not do.

After two seasons, it would be nearly impossible to cast the series with authentic bubble-headed babes (more sweet and naive than stupid and mean) and timid dweebs. Everyone applying for the show knows what is expected, and they all play up those attributes.

Beauty and the Geek was a nice show when it started, but it's run its course.


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