Thursday, September 21, 2006

Survivor: Cook Islands -- Episode 2

Billy may have found love on Survivor: Cook Islands, but love wasn't enough to save him from elimination. It might have helped if that love was requited and the object of his affections was on his tribe.

Day four started out well enough for the Aitu tribe. J.P. attributed the team's successful fish catching and fire building to their Latino heritage: "We're hard workers." Ozzy was even able to rig a net trap and catch a wild chicken.

To show viewers that Asians can do everything more efficiently, the show cut immediately to Yul setting up a box trap at Puka camp and catching two chickens.

Jonathan returned to Raro from a cold and miserable stay on Exile Island, during which he'd failed to find the hidden Immunity Idol. Adding to his frustration was his discovery that the tribe didn't do anything to improve the camp while he was gone.

Jessica the fire dancer was game to help him construct a floor for the shelter, but the rest of the tribe preferred to gossip on the beach. Adam protested that building a floor for the shelter was a waste of energy when they could just sleep on the cold, wet sand.

At the Aitu camp, Billy also preferred to conserve his meager energy reserves, and Ozzy was sick of having to tell him what to do. Billy confessed to Cristina and Cecilia that he didn't subscribe to the Hispanic hard work ethic. Hard rocker that he is, Billy declared, "Metal is my culture."

Cultural relic Cao Boi used his magical headache cure on Jenny. He left a red mark on her forehead, to match Brad's from last week, but Jenny wasn't complaining. "At least my headache's gone."

As they had last week, the four other members of Puka had to ask Cao Boi to stop telling racist Asian jokes. They feared that non-Asians might feel that Cao Boi was confirming negative stereotypes by telling his jokes, one of which involved a Vietnamese person and several dogs. "A joke is a joke," Cao Boi insisted. "No, it's not," the others replied in unison. Cao Boy clammed up, and he never did get to the punchline of that dog joke.

Back at Aitu, Billy's snoring kept everyone awake, so they sat around the fire eating coconut and talking. Ozzy suggested throwing the next Immunity Challenge in order to get rid of Billy. J.P. agreed, but Cristina was hesitant. She didn't like the idea of throwing a challenge on principle, and was also concerned that it might give Ozzy too much power.

Jeff Probst started the The Immunity Challenge with a story about Captain Cook, the island chain's namesake. The teams then navigated an obstacle course while tied together, retrieving seven wooden plaques along the way. On the plaques were written answers to questions about Jeff's Captain Cook story. The first three teams to answer five questions correctly (two of the plaques were red herrings) won Immunity. And the first team overall won two water-proof tarps.

To even the teams, Puka, Raro, and Aitu each had to sit one of their members. Being the least fit tribe member, Billy volunteered to sit out. But J.P. insisted on sitting out, and thus the challenge was thrown.

Just to be sure they had no chance of winning, Aitu stayed at the starting line while the other teams took off, reading a printed copy of the story Jeff told -- just to be sure they had all of the details right. As the other teams flew through the course, gathering one answer plaque after another, Ozzy lead Aitu at a snail's pace.

Puka and Raro completed the course and answered their questions at exactly the same time. Because of the tie, both teams were given Immunity and the Reward. Hiki finished just as Aitu was crossing a rope bridge suspended over a pit of water. For good measure, Ozzy even "accidentally" shook one of the ropes, sending Billy into the water pit.

As the losing team, Aitu chose to send Yul to Exile Island. While Yul said good-bye to his teammates, Billy turned to the girls of the Raro tribe and said, "I'm next." Candice said, "Aww. We love you." Billy awkwardly and sincerely replied, "I love you."

On Exile Island, Yul accomplished what Jonathan couldn't, figuring out the clues and digging up the hidden Immunity Idol. For the second time in one episode, Yul bested the alpha male of another tribe. His competition doesn't know it yet, but Yul's this season's biggest stud.

At Aitu's camp, Billy followed Cristina when she went to get water. He told her that he knew that the team threw the challenge, and then asked Cristina if she was sure that Ozzy wouldn't throw the next challenge just to get rid of her. She confessed that she doesn't trust Ozzy, and promised to talk to Cecilia on Billy's behalf.

Cristina found Cecilia on the beach and asked her, in Spanish, if she had any kind of agreement with Ozzy. Cecilia said that she did not, and the two considered booting Ozzy instead of Billy.

As Tribal Council drew near, Ozzy was confident that the women wouldn't turn on him: "I know they're gonna suffer really bad if they lose me." And Billy held out hope for a miracle: "My hand is a weak hand, but at least I got one queen."

At Tribal Council, Billy told Jeff that the tribe threw the challenge, and J.P. confirmed it. But Billy said that the challenge gave him a new reason to want to stay in the game. "I'm playing the game for love," Billy said. He described the exchange that took place between him and Candice and called it was love at first sight. Jeff was flabbergasted, but Billy insisted that he was serious.

Upon Billy's declaration of love for Candice, Cristina and Cecilia exchanged confused looks with one another. His disclosure may have been the last straw, because the women sided with Ozzy and J.P. and voted out Billy.

Billy was laid back in his post-elimination confessional. He was amused that he, a true metalhead, was kicked off by a guy named Ozzy. "I got to live the dream of playing Survivor," Billy said. "Too bad there's not a heavy metal tribe. I think I would've fit in there."


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