Monday, April 24, 2006

Blood on the Walls

"I thought she was a star," Donald Trump said several times about Andrea. But the rest of the women of Synergy attacked Andrea like pack of wolves, leaving Trump no choice but to fire her at the end of this week's Apprentice.

It was amazing that Synergy lost, considering Charmaine's determination to see Gold Rush Project Manager Lee fail at almost any cost. But Charmaine's spitefulness proved no match for Andrea's poor graphic design skills and sourpuss attitude.

Teams were given the task of creating a souvenir brochure to raise money for the Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island Foundation. Ameriquest donated $10,000 to the foundation as sponsor of this task, an amount equal to roughly half of the weekly tab that company execs expense at Tavern on the Green for corporate luncheons.

Synergy, led by Allie again, took the ferry to Ellis Island to shoot photos and gather information for the brochure. While trying to fend off Andrea's irrelevant questions, Tammy left her research notebook at the information desk. She and Allie hopped off the ferry to retrieve the book. When they returned to the dock, the ferry was already headed back to Manhattan, leaving them stranded for a couple hours.

This opened the door for Andrea to really screw things up. She'd convinced Allie that she was a "graphics expert," and thus wasted two hours directing a professional graphic designer to create an ugly brochure. Allie and Tammy made it to the office to discover that they essentially needed to start from scratch.

Graceful in the face of criticism, Andrea told Allie, "Just get it done. It'll be perfect. It'll be great," and walked out of the room.

Surprisingly, after five consecutive butt-kickings, Gold Rush had no such problems. Tarek and Michael created a spiffy brochure, and Lee and Charmaine called area hotels, reasoning that if they could get one outfit to buy brochures in bulk, it would be hard to lose.

Energized by their impressive brochure, Gold Rush staked out the sales location early -- the ferry terminal at Battery Park. The captive audience eagerly bought the brochure on their way to Ellis Island. And, later in the day, one of the hotels called Charmaine back and purchased 100 brochures.

Late sleepers Synergy arrived at Battery Park to find that most of the ferry passengers had already purchased from Gold Rush, and those that hadn't weren't interested in their inferior, more expensive product. The team decided to try their luck selling on Ellis Island. Their luck remained bad.

After turning off customers with her whimpering sales pitch, Andrea told Allie that her skills would be better used trying to make bulk sales. "I actually make several million dollars each year in bulk sales," she said. When Allie's head stopped spinning, she told Andrea that she should've brought that up yesterday, instead of an hour before the task deadline.

Gold Rush triumphed, raising $1550 to Synergy's $840. Their reward was a round of golf with super-pro Vijay Singh, who was disappointed that he couldn't personally fire any of them.

In a planning session before the boardroom, Allie, Roxanne, and Tammy tried to persuade Sean to join them in pinning the failure solely on Andrea. The producers told Andrea to go eavesdrop -- er, I mean, Andrea happened to overhear the conversation. She then wandered around muttering, "Those bitches lied about me," until Sean reassured her that at least he wouldn't sell her out.

Allie was undeterred in her quest, promising a slaughter in the boardroom: "There will be blood on the walls. There will be f***ing blood everywhere!" And Trump will bottle and market it to vampires as "Trumpsfusion."

The Synergy girls maintained their united front in front of Trump, portraying Andrea as counterproductive, hard to work with, and a lousy salesperson. Trump's viceroys, daughter Ivanka and son Donald Jr., joined the fray, criticizing Andrea for not mentioning her bulk sales experience when it would've made a difference.

Trump said that, as of a few weeks ago, he never would have considered getting rid of Andrea this soon. But, after what he'd heard in the boardroom, he fired Andrea for wrecking her team's chemistry. He congratulated his viceroys by telling them, "Good job, kids."

Andrea proved that she wasn't a totally unfeeling witch in the cab ride. Through tears and sniffles, she said, "I guess there's a reason why I work by myself." If only she would've shown some emotions earlier, it might have been Allie in the cab instead.

Next week, Sean adds Tammy to his harem.


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