Wednesday, July 18, 2007

SYTYCD 3, Top 12: Performances

With one last chance to secure a spot in So You Think You Can Dance's Top 10, one of the most popular couples had their first off night.

Nigel Lythgoe and Mary Murphy were joined at the judges table by Wade Robson. After this week, couples will be chosen at random for each performance. And dancers who make the Top 10 will go on the SYTYCD tour following the season.

Sabra & Dominic -- Jive
Choreographer: Tony Meredith
Song: Ryan Shaw, "I Do The Jerk"
This was the perfect song to match this couple's manic energy levels. With her short, spangly dress and tremendous speed, Sabra looked like she was channeling Tina Turner. And Dominic executed a great lift without injuring Sabra in the process (after dropping her a few times over the past several weeks). Wade loved their "positive energy," and Mary gave Tony credit for choreographing to the couple's strengths.

Jamie & Hok -- Broadway
Choreographer: Tyce DiOrio
Song: "Mr. Bojangles" from Fosse
This was not a great piece for so late in the competition. Hok was supposed to be an old man and Jamie his muse, and the result was a slow, uninspiring routine. Wade said they didn't connect with their characters. Mary said, "It didn't work for me either." But all of the judges were impressed with Jamie's execution.

Sara & Pasha -- Jazz
Choreographer: Mandy Moore
Song: Queen, "Body Language"
"Retro" doesn't even cut it. The music, the moves, the clothes -- this performance screamed 1982. It was fantastic. Wade said, "I really like that number. Mandy, I think that was sick." Mary and Nigel seemed to find the performance more amusing than mind-blowing.

Lauren & Neil -- Contemporary
Choreographer: Mia Michaels
Song: Citizen Cope, "Let the Drummer Kick"
With their skinny ties, dark sunglasses, and neon-colored gloves, Lauren and Neil performed an abstract routine was as quirky as Sara & Pasha's '80s dance, only it wasn't as fun. Well executed, but not memorable. Wade said that Neil has "come alive." Mary said it was "not great, but really good." Nigel said, "Because I didn't understand it, I'm not sure that I really enjoyed it."

Anya & Danny -- Fox Trot
Choreographer: Jean-Marc Genereux
Song: "It Had To Be You"
Classy, beautiful, and fun -- ballroom at its best. Wade told Danny, "You really surprised me tonight." Mary shouted, "It's no surprise to me! I've loved these guys from the beginning!" Nigel said, "Dancing with the Stars is going to have to start calling itself Dancing with the Celebrities, because the stars are right here!"

Lacey & Kameron -- Hip Hop
Choreographer: Dan Karaty
Song: Fergie, "Here I Come"
The routine was entertaining, but it seemed to drag. Wade said Kameron danced "a bit heavy," and he warned Lacey that her performances tend to be "professional and not personal." Mary agreed with Wade's comments about Kameron, but said that Lacey is "still on point." Nigel felt that Kameron missed his chance to be something other than Lacey's prop. (All of the brace-faced, teen girls in the audience loudly disagreed).

My favorite performances of the night were by Sabra & Dominic, Sara & Pasha, and Anya & Danny, with top honors going to Sabra & Dominic. Because it was such a kitschy piece, I won't be shocked if Sara & Pasha slip to the bottom -- but I don't think the judges will let either of them go.

The two girls in the most danger tomorrow night are probably Jamie and Lauren. And, of the boys, Hok and Kameron need to be especially careful.


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