Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Rock Star: Supernova -- Elimination Show Week 5

Despite wearing combat boots and getting a tattoo, Dana was deemed too young and sweet to front Supernova. It's too bad that her tattoo was a picture of Tommy Lee's face on her ass. No, that's my tattoo.

As Brooke recapped last night's show, Lukas was singled out for forgetting his lyrics. He felt he deserved a spot in the bottom three and was prepared to fight for his right to stay in the competition.

Dana showed off her new tattoo at the elimination show: a treble clef on her hip. And Magni proposed that the members of Supernova relocate to Iceland if they pick him.

Ryan was awarded the encore for "Losing My Religion," accepting the honor with humility. That brings the number of Ryan's distinct emotions to two -- humble and pissed off.

Brooke announced that Jill, Zayra, Toby, Patrice, and Dana all spent time in the bottom three during the course of overnight voting. When Zayra's name was called, she yelled, "I knew it!" The final bottom three comprised the following:

Jill - "Alone" by Heart
Jill got off to a bad start by walking away from Gilby as he tried to speak with her before her performance. But she redeemed herself in my eyes and Gilby's by picking a Heart song. While she still needs to work on reining in some of her vocal power, she did a great job with a song that totally suited her.

And Jill was only slightly overshadowed by Jim the guitarist, who defied all laws of nature by singing Nancy Wilson's incredibily high-pitched backing vocals.

Before introducing the last two members of the bottom three, Brooke Burke asked the remaining candidates to raise their hands if they skipped pre-show rehearsal with the House Band. Dana and Toby raised their hands. Appropriately, the next name Brooke called was Dana's.

Dana - "House of the Rising Sun" by The Animals
One extra rehearsal wouldn't have kept Dana from having to scoop up to every note. I'll throw out a tip from my high school Madrigal director: when you're flat on a note, smile. Seriously, it works. Dana's obviously had vocal training, but she doesn't know how to adapt it to rock n' roll. When she scowls, she scoops.

Patrice - "Eternal Life" by Jeff Buckley
After her trip to the bottom three last week, Patrice has performed every song like it was her last. Yet, with as much effort as she's putting out, there's obviously something about her that's not resonating with the home audience. At this point, the best she can hope for is to do her best for the fans she already has, 'cause she hasn't picked up any new ones.

Gilby gave the surviving contestants an assignment for the week: individually, write a melody and lyrics for a new Supernova track. As for the performances he'd just witnessed, he told Jill that she'd saved herself with tonight's performance. He was still disappointed in Patrice for disappearing in front of Tommy last night, but Dana was given the boot.

Supernova said that she still had a way to go before she could front a band like theirs. Dana agreed, and admitted that she was just happy that she got to meet the guys in Supernova. They're just like her dad, except that they're not going to ground her for getting that tattoo.


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