Thursday, October 06, 2005

Get Outta My Jungle

With crocodiles swimming in the water and temperatures hovering around 110° F, Guatemala must be the crappiest place to play Survivor. You’re hot and being bitten by mosquitoes the size of cats, but you can’t get in the water to cool off because some big croc’s waiting to eat you. Heck, even the minnows start to snack on Jamie.

Then Jeff Probst, that angel of mercy, shows up. He asks you to pick who on your tribe most needs a meal -- Jamie and Danni are each given a green apple. Jeff asks who needs a shower, and Bobby Jon and Gary get to wash up. Jeff asks which man and woman from each tribe most deserve a picnic. Gary, Amy, Judd, and Margaret all get to eat lunch on top of a pyramid.

But as soon as they’re gone, WHAM! Jeff mixes up the tribes. Gary and Amy return to Yaxha to find new teammates Blake, Bobby Jon, Brandon, and Danni sitting around the fire with old teammate, Brian. And Judd and Margaret come home to Brooke, Cindy, Stephenie, Rafe, Lydia, and Jamie.

Stephenie again gets stuck on the weaker tribe. Instead of teaming up with buff Blake, she gets bashful Brooke. Instead of brawny Brandon, she gets mousy Margaret. There may well be some kind of Survivor curse attached to Stephenie. By the end of this season, she may wrest the title of “Best Player Never to Win” away from Rob Cesternino (Survivor: Amazon).

Luckily for her, Stephenie stays to fight another day after convincing Judd to turn against his former Nakum tribe mates. Brooke is voted off, but earlier discussions between Judd, Jamie, and Steph indicate that the former Nakumies may not be picked off one-by-one. Lydia has been the weakest link in the challenges for some time, and booting her may mean the difference between winning and losing. After all, nobody wins Survivor because they're the most helpful around camp.


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